Search the Register

The public register of Genetic Counsellors is held by the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) as part of the Professional Standards Authority accredited Healthcare Science Practitioner register. 

Search the Register via this link.

When searching the register, please remember

The Register includes all Genetic Counsellors who have been assessed and currently meet the criteria for registration. 

Details of Genetic Counsellors whose registration has lapsed or has been cancelled are not included on the public register. However, in such cases, the registrant's information is retained securely and confidentially by the AHCS for a period of seven years as a means of safeguarding patients and the public. 


Through the AHCS website you will be able to view the decisions taken by their Fitness to Practise Panels and Interim Orders Panels. Sanctions will also be clearly demonstrated against the registrants name on their searchable register.

The names of registrants removed from the register following a Fitness to Practice Panel decision will be shared through the Accredited Registers Collaborative (ARC) under its information sharing protocol as a means of safeguarding patients and the public.

An explanation of “Registration Status” can be found in the Glossary of Terms

Any enquiry regarding registration status should be directed to the AHCS Registration Administration Team (email:


